Five Steps to Ward Off an Ant Invasion

With the arrival of summer, ants often seek out comfortable surroundings—like your home! Here’s a five-point battle plan to help keep these unwelcome guests at bay.

1) Stay Calm and Carry On

Winter in Quebec is challenging, even for ants! As the warm weather returns, these tiny creatures relentlessly search for food. Don’t panic: they will most likely head back outside once they find more abundant sources of food there.

2) Spring Clean Like a Pro

Ants won’t stay in a place where they can’t find food. Remember this as you tackle your cleaning chores: sweep and vacuum every nook and cranny, and thoroughly wash all surfaces (countertops, stove, microwave, etc.). While you’re at it, give the pantry a thorough going-over, ensuring all food items (including pet food) are in clean, hermetically sealed containers.

3) Inspect and Protect

Inspect your home and identify how ants are getting in. Pay special attention to doors and windows: ensure there are no holes in screens, cracks around openings, and that all weatherstripping is intact. If something needs repairing, address it immediately.

4) Bring Out the Heavy Artillery

If your efforts are unsuccessful and ants continue to invade, consider buying a pesticide product or calling a pest control expert. If you have children or pets, purchase ant traps from a hardware store: they are safer and contain a mixture of borax and sugar, which is very effective. If you prefer hiring an exterminator, request a pesticide that poses a low risk to humans and animals.

5) Exercise Patience

After applying a pesticide, you may find dead ants lying around. Resist the urge to sweep them away. Other ants will carry them back to the nest, where the queen ant may consume them—and that will probably be her last meal. If the queen dies, the invasion will end. Patience is crucial: the battle may take longer than expected, but you have the upper hand!

Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to maintaining an ant-free home this summer!

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